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September 03, 2005

a t.

manech and mathilde

the torso flecked with a candle stick
and a pavement cheek that made to run at it:
the road has touched both from the underside,
curving down a parchment piece
and bleaching through a cotton'd stain.
for i have stood the tests of time and
i will remain o'er the underside of the
wanton game i play.
for the fact is mine, oh lovely spark
that i have half the heart and an equal mind
to sum it up in but three ways -
to love, to speak, to learn.

-aidan knight.


Blogger Julia Wakal said...

Commenting on poetry seems awkward. But I love it, the poetry that is... not being awkward... though I often am. There is one missing. Why delete it? And when will you share wonderful "sick in bed" writing?

Now I look creepy. YESSS.

3:16 PM  

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