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November 27, 2005

more unfinished so and so

i'm alive and that's good!

my body
in transcendance (in purpose)
is just a vessel to carry my
living heart
through this time, then into a new placement.
keep this heart next to a safe place
but not locked away
to remember my spirit with
all the clicks and pops
and all the exposures and apertures
and all the debris of life.

a note

the letter came through, or i hope it did
and found you in a state of rest
somewhere with a back reclined
pressing through your spine to
tug a finger through the seam

or a kettle, boiling hot
moving along the glue that my tongue
didn't enjoy

find a lamp or a light to read by
my writing is blocked or cursive
sometimes both, mostly straight

i hope your spine and your throat are
relaxed; tense hands are to be expected.

November 10, 2005

the gold light!

girl running.

i am running as fast as my legs can go;
full out, on top of myself and living
outside of this small body.
i am running in my red gumboots;
risking a callous, risking callousness
from my father (raking leaves)
i am running towards the end of the day;
taking time only to notice a perfect
sky and how cold my shoulders are.
i am running to catch up to my age;
past the old oaks and through fresh leaves
dancing on top of the soil when i sprint.

my bed is uncomfortable, and i know why.

you are a fair weather
and blow towards a new sail
and cast my care like rocks into a silent water
do not protect my eyes from your form
or become an effigy, standing above form.
you are divine, and a divide
splitting my nose or my cheek in a soft way
to repair my eyes, my strength, my time
and keep me inside a hearth.
but i will keep my stones and cast them onto
my bed, and sleep on them in memory of you.

November 02, 2005

the sad woodsmen leaves for the new war

cold night
warm gloves
touch wood
sit down

look past
your eyes
and know
that tonight

you'd wish
this time
could last
past tense

i leave
next morn
felled trees
keep you

'til then.