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July 25, 2005


30 watts

that's heavy power.

this filament is encased in protection
saving it's heat for no one else.
it does not care about war or violence
it does not care about poverty or disease
it cares about a voltage plate
and it cares about the blues.

play that butter cord
plug that jukebox
and play that song nigger-boy.
because my shoes are fresh shined
so, sit down on the hot step
and play that bayou waltz
you cotton dirty mud lips
you wood stain dance manish boy.

July 13, 2005


shirt tail.

it's a warm time
this time the heat is filling me
it permeates and protrudes and is unsightly.
because it is unsightly to be seen with
shirt-tails out and a brow of sweat.
it's a warm time out there.
it's a time where grass feels nice against the
small of my back; even when withered brown.
for a moment i can lie here, with my shirt untucked
and my eyes towards the earth.

we took action and made sculptures!

granparent tango
in a three piece suit

bake sale coma
from a four gun salute

shoe hussle kid
with a lou gehrig card

pulls out the teeth
of the wolf in my yard

bambu curtain
on a cocaine house

you shut the window
and i'll shut my mouth

sit down sofa
by a telephone wire

attached to a statue
far away outside